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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Postcard / Cartao Postal

Seattle Train Tracks

Trilhos em Seattle

Friday, September 26, 2008

Post Card / Cartao Postal

A Boat & A Bench

Um Barco e um Banco

From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

Os Estatutos do Homem - Artigo ll

Fica decretado que todos os dias da semana,
inclusive as tercas-feiras mais cinzentas,
tem direito a converter-se em manhas de domingo.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Despite the name, Aurora is not a she, but a he. Aurora's family is large and three generations deep. His grandmother Grace is 48 and is the head of the family. His 2 uncles Gaia and Wave Walker are both 19 and 15 and they like to spend time together.
Aurora's mom is called Splash and she is 23. Aurora used to have an old brother, Luna, who lived alone for a while before he died in 2002. This family travels together.

Aurora is a male Orca. He was born in 2002. For the researches in the San Juan Island's Whale Museum, he is known as L-101, referring to his pod name L. The Whale Museum's Adoption Program allows people to "adopt" a whale for a year, in which time you get updates from your whale as well as others as they make appearances in the San Juan and Southern Vancouver islands.

I chose Aurora because of the name. My great grandmother's name, whom I never met, but heard a lot about.

There are 3 resident pods that normally spend the summer months here in the northwest. The L pod (Aurora's) is one of them.
This year though, Aurora did not return with his family. Orcas, just like humans, are not solitairy animals. They travel in family groups and help each other find food. We don't know what happened to Aurora, but it's most likely that he will not be seen again. Other orcas continue to give birth every season, and the circle of life moves on, though very slowly for this group of resident whales. I only hope that whatever happened to Aurora didn't have any human hands in it.

The issues affecting the Southern Resident Orcas today are the decline of the fish population; Toxic Exposure; Surface Impacts and Underwater Noise. All man made problems, and therefore, all require a man made solution.

Apesar do nome, Aurora e "ele", e nao "ela". A familia de Aurora tem 3 geracoes. Sua avo Grace tem 48 anos e a chefe da familia. Aurora tambem tem 2 tios, Gaia e Wave Walker, de 19 e 15 anos, respectivamente. A mae de Aurora se chama Splash e tem 23 anos. Aurora tambem ja teve um irmao, Luna, porem ele viveu sozinho por um tempo, e morreu em 2002 (ano em que Aurora nasceu). Essa familia sempre viaja junta.

Aurora e um abaleia orca e tem 6 anos. Para os pesquisadore da ilha de San Juan (aqui pertinho) ela e conhecida como L-101, em referencia ao nome de seu grupo, o L.
O Museu das Baleias (The Whale Museum) permite que pessoas "adotem" uma baleia por um periodo de um ano, durante o qual voce recebe noticias da sua baleia, assim como de todas as outras que migram anualmante para ca nos meses de verao.

Eu escolhi Aurora por causa o seu nome. Uma homenagem a minha bisavo, que eu nunca conheci, mas de quem sempre ouvi falar.

Existem 3 grupos de orcas que passam pelas ilhas San Juan durante o verao. O grupo L da Aurora e um deles. Esse ano, porem, Aurora nao apareceu com sua familia. Assim como nos humanos, as orcas nao sao animais solitarios e sempre viajam em grupo. Nao se sabe o que pode ter acontecido com Aurora, mas e provavel que nunc amais a vejamos de novo.
Outras orcas femeas continuam a gerar seus bebes-orcas todos os anos, dando continuidade a esse grupo de orcas que luta para sobriver a muitas adversidades. A unica coisa que eu desejo, e que o que quer que tenha acontecido com Aurora nao tenha tido nenhuma interferencia humana.

Os problemas que as Orcas dessa comunidade enfrentam hoje sao o declinio da populacao marinha (peixes); exposicao toxica; aguas congestionadas e barulho na agua. Todos problemas gerados pelo homem, e consequentemente, pedem uma solucao tambem gerada pelo homem.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Burn After Reading - Queime Depois de Ler

Last Friday we went to see Burn After Reading.The movie has Brad Pitt, George Clooney and John Malkovich in it, and it was directed by the Coen brothers. How bad could it be? Let's see:
I normally rate the movies I watch by the time I spend thinking about them after I left the theaters. A movie like Philadelphia for instance, took me days to leave my mind. The Departed was another movie that I kept thinking about for a while. No Country For Old Man (another one by the Coen brothers) too. More recently, I watched The Diving bell and The Butterfly and found myself thinking about the story for days.
Burn After Reading, however, was quite easy to forget. I didin't think it was a bad movie though. It was funny, I laughed a lot in the theater, but once it was over, that was it. By the time i went to sleep, I have already forgotten about the movie (except foe a few hilarious parts with George Clooney that were really, really good fun).
From the commercial I thought it was going to be a different kind of comedy, the silly type. Although it had many silly moments, the dark humor was what prevailed.

Rita's opinion: funny
Andrew's opinion: wouldn't watch it again.

So now it's your turn to make up your own opinion. And let us know later!

To find out more about the movie, click here


Semana passada nos fomos ao cinema ver o ultimo filme dos irmaos Coen - Queime Depois De Ler (Burn After Reading). Ao contrario do ultimo filmos dos Coen que assisti-Onde os Fracos Nao Tem Vez- esse nao ficou na minha cabeca por muito tempo. E esas tecnica, alias, que eu uso pra ver quanto gostei de um filme ou nao. Se penso nele por dias, e bom. Uns exemplos de filmes que ficaram na minha mente por dias depois de ter deixado o cinema sao Filadelfia, Os Infiltrados, emais recentemente, O Escafandro e a Borboleta (lindo).
Bom, Queime Depois de Ler nao ficou na minh acabeca por muito tempo, nao. Na verdade, fui dormir ja pensando em outras coisas. Mas issi nao quer dizer que nao e um filme bom. No elenco, John Malkovich, George Clooney e Brad Pitt. Eu nao me lembro de ter visto o Brad Pitt em nenhuma comedia, pelo menos recementemente. Outro que estava muito engracado foi o Clooney. Achei legal ver esses atores em papeis diferenets. Acho importante para o ator tambem, senao vira como um Nicholas Cage, muda a trama, mas o tipo e sempre o mesmo.
pra saber mais sobre o filme, esse e o site oficial.
Quando chegar no Brasil, eu recomendo assistr, desde que nao va esperando um "master piece"dos Coen Brothers...
Na opiniao da Rita: engracado
Na opiniao do Andrew: nao assistiria de novo

Um abraco e ate a proxima!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Os Estatutos do Homem - Artigo I

Fica decretado que agora vale a verdade,

que agora vale a vida,
e que de maos dadas,
trabalharemos todos pela vida verdadeira.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Part 2 - The fair / Feriadao do dia do trabalho 2 - Exposicao

We went to a fair in a little town about 30 minutes from Seattle. I didn't know what a fair was, but after seeing it I recognize it very well. We used to go every year in my hometown. First, when we were children we used to go with our parents and the highlights were seeing the animals (stinky cows, horses...), going on the rides and eating junk food fair.
Later, when I become a teenager, I used to go with my friends, and the highlights were watching the music concerts, drinking beer and singing along with the live bands at the beer gardens. It was so much fun. I had not been in a fair again since I left Brazil for the first time, which was 10 years ago (whaaaattt???)...
So this one was very nice, I believe there are larger ones, but this was the weekend we had the time to do it and Andrew had the disposition to take me.
It was really cute. The rides were pretty simple, although they had one that was just like a roller coaster, except it would only loop back and forth. I didn't have the guts to go on it... I am sure Andrew would have gone, he is crazy about roller coasters.
For me, the highlights were the wood carved bears, they were so cute, I added a photo of them. I also was very happy to get a couple of Obama signs I've been wanting to get for a while. That reminds me of a funny story... I got 2 signs from the Obama kiosk and had to carry them around the fair with me. Andrew had warned me that we were probably surrounded by middle-working class republicans, but I didn't care. After all, "it's a free country", no?
Anyway, I carried the signs around the entire fair and nobody said a thing. Then, at some point, I asked Andrew to hold the signs for me while I took a picture of something I saw. He must have had the signs on his hands for maybe 10 seconds, and sure enough there was somebody trying to make an argument with him about the sign...(Obama, really? Come here, I want to I ask you a question, bla bla bla....) The men kept going on and we kept walking away. If he only knew how uninterested Andrew is about all things politics. It was funny though!
Anyway, the fair was nice, the day was beautiful and we had fun. We hope you have fun enjoying some of our pictures.

Mes passado durante o feriadao do dia do trabalho nos fomos a uma exposicao numa cidadezinha perto daqui de Seattle. Eu nunc atinha ido a nenhuma exposicao aqui nos EUA, na verdade acho que a ultima vez que fui a uma exposicao foi provavelmente em Londrina ha muuuuuitos anos atras (uns 10 ou mais...). Bom, descobri que elas sao todas iguais... Aqui tambem tinha bichos (vacas, calalos, etc...), parquinho de diversao, barraquinhas de comida, artesanato, est. So nao tem barraquinhas de cerveja, como no Brasil. O negocio e Coca-Cola mesmo, hehe... (argh!)

Pra mim a melhor parte foram as esclturas de madeira de ursos, tao lindas! Impressionante como eles fazem esculturas tao bonitas de um pedaco de madeira, usando uma serra eletrica...

Eu peguei umas placas da campanha do Obama pra colocar no nosso apartamento (mesmo nao podendo votar, nao custa dar apoio e mostrar a nossa opiniao, nao e mesmo?). Bom, o Andrew me sugeriu que eu virasse as placas de costas,pra ninguem ver. Ele disse que esse tipo de lugar e cheio de republicanos tipo Bush. Eu nao dei muita bola nao, afinal, como eles adoram falar por aqui : "It's a free country!". Nao recebi nenhum olhar feio, e ninguem fez comentario nehum a respeito da minha placa "pro-Obama"... Ate que eu precisei tirar uma foto e pedi pro Andrew segurar as placas p mim por um minuto. ( Detalhe que deve ser esclarecido, o Andrew nao da a minima pra politica, e e claro nao gosta de se envolver em debates politicos)
Como nao podia ser diferente, durante os 30 segundos que eu estava tirando foto e o Andrew segurando as placas, um vendedor quis comecar um "debate" com ele...(Ei, voce ai com a placa, vem aqui, quero te perguntar uma coisa.... Voce se preocupa com o sistema de saude? Voce sabe disso, daquilo, etc, etc, etc....) O homem continuou falando e nos comecamos a nos afastar... Que engracado.... Se ele soubesse que a gente nem vota!!!

Bom, alem disso, experimentei um sorvete feito com nitrogenio. Por que nitrogenio? E usado no processo de congelamento, entao o sorvete nao fica com pedacos de gelo, fica uma textura mais sedosa..huum...eu gostei, o Andrew disse que e truque de marketing e que eu cai em cheio....

Espero que gostem das fotos,e ate a proxima.


Candy Apple, fair food at its best!

Maca do Amor, comida de exposicao
From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind


From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

We love Stewie!

Nosso desenho animado favorito (nao sei se tem no Brasil)
From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

Smart Bear!!

Urso engajado!
From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

Yes we can!

From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

The famous sign...and the unhappy look...

A famosa placa...e a cara de quem nao esta feliz...
From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

Loooop....no thanks...

Eu hein...nem pensar...
From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Postcard / Cartao Postal

Kitchen Window

Janela da cozinha

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend I / Feriadao dia do Trabalho l

After giving lots of thoughts and consideration, we decided to stay home for this Labor Day weekend. But that didn't mean we weren't going to have fun. We made a list of things we wanted to do around the Seattle are and picked a few to do this weekend.
So get ready to see a lot of pictures of animals......we went to the Zoo!!
Now, I have mixed feelings about zoos. In one hand, I think it's wonderful that we can see animals that we wouldn't be able to otherwise. On the other hand, I sometimes feel a little frustrated about their conditions. This zoo was really nice overall. Most animals seemed to have lots of space for themselves. Still, there is something about putting them on a window that doesn't seem right....Maybe it's just my vegetarian soul speaking.......Who knows...

Depois de pensar bastante nos decidimos ficar por aqui mesmo para o feriadao do dia do trabalho. Mas nao quis dizer que nao iamos fazer nada de divertido. Fizemos uma listinha de algumas coisas que gostariamos de fazer por aqui e escolhemos algumas. Portanto, preparem-se para ver fotos de bichos...nos fomos ao zoologico!!!
Eu gosto de zoos por umlado, acho que se nao fosse por eles muita gente nao teria a chance de ver e conhecer varios tipos de animais. Por outro lado, fico pensando se e errado por os bicinhos numa amostra, pra gente ver. Esse zoo parceu ser muito bom em termos de condicoes para os animais, alguns, como as girafas e zebras tinham espacos enormes, que eu mesma nunca tinha visto antes num zoo de cidade. Mesmo assim, fica aquela duvida etico-humana (Hum???)

Far relative...?

Parente distante...?

Zebras are so beautiful.......

As zebras sao tao lindas...

The King Sleeps

Soneca de Rei

Tucan in the "rain forest area"

Tucano na "floresta tropical" do zoo

Beauty comes in all sizes.....small....

Beleza em varios tamanhos....pequeno...

and large....
e grande....

Serious look from the hippo

Cara seria do hipopotamo

Love is beautiful !!

O amor e lindo !!

From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind

This was my favourite part, to see this little gorila drawing with pink chalk.

Minha parte favorita foi essa, ver esse gorilazinho desenhando com giz cor-de-rosa.

We hope you enjoyed the photos!

Espero que tenham gostado das fotos!