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Monday, September 22, 2008

Burn After Reading - Queime Depois de Ler

Last Friday we went to see Burn After Reading.The movie has Brad Pitt, George Clooney and John Malkovich in it, and it was directed by the Coen brothers. How bad could it be? Let's see:
I normally rate the movies I watch by the time I spend thinking about them after I left the theaters. A movie like Philadelphia for instance, took me days to leave my mind. The Departed was another movie that I kept thinking about for a while. No Country For Old Man (another one by the Coen brothers) too. More recently, I watched The Diving bell and The Butterfly and found myself thinking about the story for days.
Burn After Reading, however, was quite easy to forget. I didin't think it was a bad movie though. It was funny, I laughed a lot in the theater, but once it was over, that was it. By the time i went to sleep, I have already forgotten about the movie (except foe a few hilarious parts with George Clooney that were really, really good fun).
From the commercial I thought it was going to be a different kind of comedy, the silly type. Although it had many silly moments, the dark humor was what prevailed.

Rita's opinion: funny
Andrew's opinion: wouldn't watch it again.

So now it's your turn to make up your own opinion. And let us know later!

To find out more about the movie, click here


Semana passada nos fomos ao cinema ver o ultimo filme dos irmaos Coen - Queime Depois De Ler (Burn After Reading). Ao contrario do ultimo filmos dos Coen que assisti-Onde os Fracos Nao Tem Vez- esse nao ficou na minha cabeca por muito tempo. E esas tecnica, alias, que eu uso pra ver quanto gostei de um filme ou nao. Se penso nele por dias, e bom. Uns exemplos de filmes que ficaram na minha mente por dias depois de ter deixado o cinema sao Filadelfia, Os Infiltrados, emais recentemente, O Escafandro e a Borboleta (lindo).
Bom, Queime Depois de Ler nao ficou na minh acabeca por muito tempo, nao. Na verdade, fui dormir ja pensando em outras coisas. Mas issi nao quer dizer que nao e um filme bom. No elenco, John Malkovich, George Clooney e Brad Pitt. Eu nao me lembro de ter visto o Brad Pitt em nenhuma comedia, pelo menos recementemente. Outro que estava muito engracado foi o Clooney. Achei legal ver esses atores em papeis diferenets. Acho importante para o ator tambem, senao vira como um Nicholas Cage, muda a trama, mas o tipo e sempre o mesmo.
pra saber mais sobre o filme, esse e o site oficial.
Quando chegar no Brasil, eu recomendo assistr, desde que nao va esperando um "master piece"dos Coen Brothers...
Na opiniao da Rita: engracado
Na opiniao do Andrew: nao assistiria de novo

Um abraco e ate a proxima!

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