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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We returned from out trip to Brazil with many memories, stories, a little suntan and lots of pictures. In my case, I can also add a sore throat and a homesick feeling that I always get when I leave my family behind after spending some time with them.

It was a great trip, there was beach time, family time, fun time and unfortunately lots of travel time as well....

We started our trip in Sao Paulo where we got to meet the youngest member of my family: Lucca, only 3 months old. What a cute baby! See it for yourself.

Nos voltamos da nossa primeira viagem juntos p Brasil com muitas fotos, presentes, historias, um bronzeadinho (bem inho), e muitas saudades. No meu caso, uma gripe tambem....

As ferias foram otimas, mas 2 semanas passaram tao rapido.

Primeiro passamos rapidamente por Sao Paulo (so um dia e meio...),mas deu p matar a saudade, rever o Je e a Mari e e claro conhecer o mais novo membro da famila, Lucca! Que nene mais lindo! Eu nao tinha reparado na semelhanca com o Je ate a Mari me mostrar fotos de Je nene.

After only a day and a half with my brother Je, his wife Mari and baby Lucca, we flew to Maceio, a beach town up in northeast of Brazil. The weather was great and aside from a light burn on the first day, we managed the hot sun pretty well. Our hotel wasn't the best on the strip, but it was on the waterfront so we just walked everywhere. I already miss our walks at night when we used to go for dinner, feeling the warm breeze in our hairs and watching the full moon (it was beautiful).

De Sao Paulo nos voamos p Maceio para uma semana de sol e mar. Fomos ate a foz do Rio Sao Francisco, um lugar que de acordo com o nosso guia turistico, nao existira mais dentro de alguns anos. O mar esta "invadindo" o rio, foi o que ele explicou.

The last part of our trip was in my hometown, where Andrew met my mom, dad and gradma. Unfortunately we didn't see everyone there was to see. My uncle, aunt and cousins that live nearby couldn't come over since we didn't spend the weekend there. Everyone was really looking forward to meet Andrew, maybe next time.

Nossa ultima parada foi Londrina. Infelizmente nao deu p ver a turma de Astorga, ja que so ficamos 5 dias em Londrina, sem fim de semana. Fica pra proxima, ne?

Esse bolo foi um presente pra nos. Uma delicia de bolo de maca, que combinou com o sorvete de banana que a gente comprou. Huummm...

This cake was a gift from one of my mom's friends just for us. It was a delicious apple cake and we loved having it with banana ice cream, yum!

I put together the photos from our trip into 3 different slideshows.

Here are some of the faces & places we wanted to share with you.
Ai vao algumas fotos que tiramos na viagem.

These are a few pics of Andrew on his first Brazilian adventure.
Essas sao algumas fotos do Andrew em  terras brasileiras.

Just the 2 of us...
Nos 2

And finally, the family! Iincluded the dog's pics here too, afterall, pets are family too, no?
E finalmente, as fotos com a familia. E cachorros, que tambem sao familia,ne?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

White House, Black President

Kudos for the American people, for bringing Dr. King's dream closer to reality. At least tonight.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Love arrived by UPS

Thank you Marika, for the wonderful gifts you sent us!

For Lucca...

From Eternal Blog Of The Unspotless Mind
And for us!

The marzipan is already gone...
But the beautiful chinaware will last a long time.

Oh...I almost forgot...In order to test the new plates and cups, I had to bake us an apple crisp...

Hopefully one day we will serve you some dessert on them!

Happy Anniversary to us!

A special breakfast

On a very special day